Explore our eOS ecosystem

Our mission is to provide IT solutions that support work efficiency in clinical research projects.

That is why we implement eOS, an IT ecosystem that helps manage data, tasks, and documents throughout the research pathway.

Using workflow technology, it can adapt to any research protocol and the organizational structure of Clinical Research Centres, CROs, Sponsors, and Academic Centres.

Our solution also uses AI algorithms to automate repetitive tasks such as document transport and identifying deviations.

Users can use the entire eOS environment or its modules, which include:

🔸Feasibility module,

🔸 Project module – Project management,

🔸eCRF module,

🔸IWRS and substance study management,

🔸Patient module – management of patient catalogs and data,



🔸Contracting and budgeting module.

All are available in two models SaaS or On-premise.

Have questions ❓Want to find out more❓.

👉 Contact us: andrzej.kurek@dcsoftware.pl

Digital Clinic Software